Gas heater Guard
This Guard heater is not only a pleasure to watch, but at the same time a great source of heat! More than enough to enjoy the flame and cozy warmth of your backyard.
Dujinis šildytuvas Sargas
Dujų rūšys:
Suskystintos dujos (LPG)
Maksimalus propano sunaudojimas:
0.79 kg/h
Naudojamas dujų slėgis:
30 mbar
14.000 W
Plotis stovo:
810 mm
2210 mm
21 kg
Minimalus atstumas nuo skrybėlės iki lubų:
50 mm
Minimalus atstumas iki sienos:
100 mm
Maksimalus šildomo ploto spindulys:
300 mm
Apšildymo plotas:
50 m2
Country of origin:
The Netherlands
24 months
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The goods will be delivered to you via courier service on weekdays from 8:00 to 17:00 at the exact delivery address.
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